Jonathan Rocks Photo

About Jonathan Rocks

Jonathan has been playing since the age of 7. He has had the opportunity to play locally with some very talented musicians and sits in with local bands. Jonathan also does his own self-contained show to backing tracks. In December 2015, Jonathan was asked to sit in with the one and only Nicko McBrain of Iron Maiden, with his side project, the McBrainiacs, in Orlando, Florida.

His other interests are Uechi-Ryu style of karate, where he has achieved his brown belt. He loves all types of music, Hard Rock, Metal, Funk, Jazz, Latin, etc. Jonathan enjoys magic tricks, X-Box, riding his bike, going to shows and concerts.

Some of his favorite artists are Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Avenged Sevenfold, Kiss, Cheap Trick, Quiet Riot, Disturbed, Rush, Motley Crue, Metallica, Megadeth, Sammy Hagar, Stryper, the Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

Jonathan Rocks proudly uses DW Drums, Soultone Cymbals, Collision drumsticks, Sledgepad, and Dreamearz monitors.